We love to learn and grow, and we know that the teachers and course developers we work with love to learn and grow as well. One of our favorite places to learn and grow is in our individual Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) consisting of edchats, webinars, podcasts, and more. Through our participation at various events such as ISTE and local edcamps, we've come to personally meet many of the educators that use boclips in the classroom and as instructional technology coaches. Recently, we had the opportunity to coordinate with Edchat Interactive and Mitch Weisburgh and allow some of our ambassadors that we've had the honor of working with share their use of Boclips. We'd love to share the recorded sessions with you from Suzy Lolley and Dave Blanchard.

Five Ways Video Can Transform Your Classroom, led by Suzy Lolley

Do you want to present with video, but worry about the quality and the ads interfering? Suzy discusses how to find and use videos that inspire, inform, and instruct, and ways to use video to introduce, teach and review virtually any topic, including History, Science, Math, English, Art, and Language. Here are the slides. Suzy finds many of her videos using Boclips.

<<To discover more teaching strategies and tips for using video in the classroom visit our training resources page>>




Invasion of International EdTech Tools, led by Dave Blanchard

Some of the most engaging enhancements in education are coming from outside the US. Do you want to use great video resources that are commercial free, screened, appropriate, current, and aligned with learning goals? Consider Boclips. Want your students to create video and animated stories? Consider Creaza. And do you struggle to manage all those student projects? Take a look at teamlearn . Here are the slides.


Ready to get started? Go to boclips.com/teachers now.



Bethany Beaudrie

Bethany is a fan of #sociallearning and educational technology. She loves working with students and teachers around the globe to help bring learning to life.

Six types of educational video for the classroom

Educational videos can come in many forms. It all comes down to what the educator needs a classroom ...

Educational videos for June: The history of Pride month

In the United States, LGBTQ+ Pride Month is celebrated in June to commemorate the Stonewall ...

16 ways to use video in the classroom

At Boclips, we love to talk about the wonders of educational video. Students are better engaged ...