There are many diverse learning styles that educators need to reach. It is agreed upon by numerous research studies that 65% of the population consists of visual learners. In a Huffpost article from 2014, it states that video may be the best way to improve learning styles, especially when it comes to remembering key facts and figures. Forrester Research estimates one minute of online video equates to approximately 1.8 million written words. In addition, 90 percent of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text. This indicates visual education aids like video can improve learning styles and increase the rate at which we retain information.
This is powerful data and only supports the use of video to help enhance the understanding of a topic or concept. The availability of resources created for education has grown exponentially in the past 10 years with the ability to stream content on your computer. In today’s state of education, if you are not using video streaming, you are missing out on a lot of valuable content that could be enhancing a student’s learning experience.
<<Want to learn more about how you can amplify great teaching with video? Schedule a demo>>
Visual learners can benefit from the simulations, experiments, and models provided through video resources that compliment the curriculum teachers are already using to teach a topic. Video, such as the water cycle examples from Boclips, allows teachers additional opportunities to lay a foundation for students and to provide a deeper understanding of the topic being taught.
Educators realize that students of today need to be engaged and be given the opportunity to take ownership of their learning. The days of the teacher being the sage on the stage are now being replaced by the teacher taking on the role of the mentor in the center or guide on the side. Utilizing video content in the classroom allows teachers to transfer ownership of learning to students. Student ownership allows students to have a voice and choice in their learning.
Want to get started? Click here to find out how your school or district can benefit from the power of video.
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- #Accessibility in Education