On November 11, the United States will celebrate Veterans Day. This day is a time for us to pay our respects to those who have served, and honor and recognize the service of military veterans. We’re celebrating Veterans Day through educational videos that highlight and showcase veterans, their bravery, their struggle, and their commitment to our country.
Veterans Day - One Minute History
Different from Memorial Day, which honors all those who died in military service, Veterans Day honors all those that served in the United States Armed Services. “Veterans Day - One Minute History” explains how in 1918, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, the armistice with Germany went into effect; ending major hostilities in World War I. November 11th is celebrated globally as Armistice Day or Remembrance Day, with parades, public meetings, and celebrations.
In the aftermath of World War II, veteran Raymond Weeks leads a movement in the United States to expand the holiday to celebrate all veterans. Eight years later, Weeks is recognized as the ‘Father of Veterans Day’ when President Eisenhower signs the bill that renames Armistice Day to Veterans Day. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs states that the holiday is to be written without an apostrophe, because the day does not belong to the veterans, it is a day to honor all veterans.
What is Veterans Day?
“What is Veterans Day?” defines the significance of military service and what it means to be a veteran. Learn about the key players of World War One, including the Central Powers and the Allies. Find out about historical events and origins of Veterans Day celebrations and how it is celebrated, including parades, school activities, and presidential traditions.
Impact of Military Service on Our Returning Veterans
The implications of military service runs deeper than the average citizen will ever fully understand. We can only hope to acknowledge the dedication and lifelong effects of military services for our veterans.
With over 200,000 individuals currently separating from military service each year, a growing number of veterans are faced with readjusting to civilian life. In “Impact of Military Service on Our Returning Veterans,” researchers study employment, health, and family life of veterans.
Sebastian Junger: Why Veterans Miss War
Civilians don't miss war, but soldiers often do. In “Sebastian Junger: Why Veterans Miss War,” Journalist Sebastian Junger shares his experience embedded with American soldiers at Restrepo, an outpost in Afghanistan's Korengal Valley that saw heavy combat.
He addresses the altered state of mind that comes with war and shows how combat gives soldiers an intense experience of connection. Sebastian discusses the psychological and emotional needs of veterans in society, the psychological impact of war on soldiers, and examines the reasons why some soldiers may miss war after returning home.
Surviving War: The Unseen Wounds of Vietnam Veterans
“Surviving War: The Unseen Wounds of Vietnam Veterans” is an emotional and personal account of a Vietnam war veteran's experiences and struggles with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Bill, a veteran, describes his tour of duty in Vietnam, the guilt he feels for leaving fellow soldiers behind, and the physical and psychological wounds he has suffered. We follow Bill as he seeks help from a mental health professional and discusses his survival guilt and the impact of PTSD on his daily life. The lasting effects of war on veterans and the challenges they face in readjusting to civilian life are evidenced. Learn how to recognize the symptoms and effects of PTSD and ways to notice triggers and cues that can worsen PTSD symptoms and anxiety.
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